Voluntary Environmental Improvement Programs: Teaching Them to Fish or Providing a Professional Guide
Many Extension programs are built upon the parable of teaching people to fish rather than giving them fish. The lesson is that the impact will be longer lasting and clients will be self sufficient if they are taught to fish. Two separate voluntary environmental improvement programs (the Livestock Environmental Management System Pilot Project and Iowa Livestock External Stewardship Pilot Project) with similar goals yet different educational approaches were evaluated. For our fish analogy, LEMS taught them to how to fish, and WILESPP provided them a professional guide. This article looks at the accomplishments and attitudes of the participants.
Recommended Citation
Lawrence, J. D., Schuknecht, S., & Lally, J. (2006). Voluntary Environmental Improvement Programs: Teaching Them to Fish or Providing a Professional Guide. The Journal of Extension, 44(6), Article 5. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol44/iss6/5