Ultrasound estimates of carcass data have been collected on over 1,900 4-H market hogs, lambs, and steers at fairs in southeast Idaho from 1999 to 2005. The data were collected as part of an educational program to help youth raising animals for the food chain to understand industry acceptability. The results of the data indicate that market hog loin-eye size increased 1.14 inches while backfat thickness decreased by 27%; market lamb ribeye area increased almost 15%; and the number of steers with adequate IMF to reach the USDA Choice quality grade increased 130%.
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Recommended Citation
Nash, S. A. (2007). Ultrasound Technology Helps Youth Raise Industry-Acceptable Market Animals. The Journal of Extension, 45(4), Article 14. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss4/14