For many of us in Extension, our comfort is in the quantitative research realm, with only forays into qualitative research. Negotiating the Complexities of Qualitative Research in Higher Education, by Susan R. Jones, Vasti Torres, and Jan Arminio, provides readers with valuable guidance and perspectives, and a discussion of key complexities that qualitative researchers must negotiate. It is practical and covers a range of topics that are important for Extension professionals, especially as we seek to improve our scholarship. Add this text to your recommended reading list to strengthen your understanding of qualitative research.
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Recommended Citation
Cochran, G. R. (2007). Negotiating the Complexities of Qualitative Research in Higher Education: Fundamental Elements and Issues- A Book Review. The Journal of Extension, 45(4), Article 24. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss4/24