The county 4-H fair is a way for 4-H youth to showcase their project work and receive recognition for their efforts, but it can also provide important opportunities for positive youth development. The study reported here sought to determine motivation for participating in county fair and the impact of fair on development outcomes. Results revealed that "having fun" was the biggest participation motivator. There were few significant differences in motivation for fair participation that were found between youth who participated in the market animal projects and those who did not. Analysis revealed that fair participation contributes to youth development outcomes.
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Recommended Citation
Arnold, M. E., Meinhold, J. L., Skubinna, T., & Ashton, C. (2007). The Motivation for and Developmental Benefits of Youth Participation in County 4-H Fairs: A Pilot Study. The Journal of Extension, 45(6), Article 14. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss6/14