Idaho's Journey for Diversity and Human Rights is a traveling workshop designed to teach about the roots of the state's people and their human rights challenges. Designers planned to acquaint participants with the richness and diversity of Idaho's past and broaden their perspective on the way in which past residents coped with issues not much different from those current residents face. Participants report gains in knowledge of Idaho's past and present challenges of human rights and diversity and plan to apply that knowledge in their daily lives. Educators can modify and replicate Idaho's Journey to fit any state or region.
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Recommended Citation
Traver, S., Luckey, B. P., Shaklee, H., & Nauman, A. (2007). Using a Historical Tour to Teach Extension Audiences About Diversity and Human Rights. The Journal of Extension, 45(6), Article 18. https://open.clemson.edu/joe/vol45/iss6/18