The Journal of Extension | Vol 55 | No. 2

Volume 55, Number 2 (2017)

Feature Articles


Defining and Developing Curricula in the Context of Cooperative Extension
Martin H. Smith, Steven M. Worker, Cheryl L. Meehan, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, Andrea Ambrose, Kelley Brian, and Emily Schoenfelder


Evaluation of an Extension-Delivered Resource for Accelerating Progress in Childhood Obesity Prevention: The BEPA-Toolkit
Katherine B. Gunter, Patrick Abi Nader, Amanda Armington, John C. Hicks, and Deborah John


Measuring Economic Impact Through Adoption: A Study of the Multi-County New Landowners Educational Series
Philip Shackelford, Theresa Pesl Murphrey, Monty Dozier, Jeff Ripley, and Landry Lockett

Research in Brief


Multiple-Methods Needs Assessment of California 4-H Science Education Programming
Steven M. Worker, Lynn Schmitt-McQuitty, Andrea Ambrose, Kelley Brian, Emily Schoenfelder, and Martin H. Smith


Changes in the Use of Precision Farming Information Sources Among Cotton Farmers and Implications for Extension
Brittani Edge, Margarita Velandia, Dayton M. Lambert, Roland K. Roberts, James A. Larson, Burton C. English, Christopher Boyer, Roderick Rejesus, and Ashok Mishra

Ideas at Work


Expanding Global Mindedness Through a 4-H International Village
Susan D. Seal, Donna J. Peterson, Chieko Iwata, Carolina Kobia, and Raja Reddy


Strengthening Families Through a Re-envisioned Approach to Fatherhood Education
James S. Bates, Deanna L. Wilkinson, Jason Paul McCartan, Daniel T. Remley, Mark D. Light, David C. Crawford, and Jami Dellifield

Tools of the Trade


Twitter Chats: Connect, Foster, and Engage Internal Extension Networks
Jamie Seger, Paul Hill, Eric Stafne, and Emy Swadley


Empirical Questionnaire Methods for Fund-Raising Campaign Preparedness in Extension
Catherine Comley Adams, Douglass A. Butler, and Kaleb Esplin


Fitbit and Fitabase Technology: Tracking and Evaluating Youth Physical Activity
Lisa Franzen-Castle, Tara Dunker, Weiwen Chai, and Michelle Krehbiel


Healthful Homes for Urban Youths and Families
Joan Bothell and Mary-Margaret Gaudio


Shark Bite Meetings for Creative Program Planning
Tamara Pellien and Steven Yergeau
