Parenting Practices that can Prevent or
Reduce Childhood Obesity
Galen Eldridge, Wesley Lynch, Sandra Bailey, and Carrie Benke
Parental Perceptions of Participation in 4-H Beef,
Sheep and Swine Livestock Projects and
the Fostering of Life Skill Development in Youth
Janice Heavner, Kelly Hicks, and Shanna Nicodemus
Resource Review:
The Annie E. Casey Foundation
2010 KIDS COUNT Data Book
State Profiles of Child Well-Being
Patricia Dawson
Using Poverty Simulation for College Students:
A Mixed-Methods Evaluation
Maureen Todd, Maria T. de Guzman, and Xiaoyun Zhang
Examining the Reasons and Relationships
Between Why Youth Join, Stay in, and Leave 4-H
Rebecca Harrington, Trisha Sheehan, and Dale Blyth
School Sponsored Extracurricular Activities and
Math Achievement among Hispanic Students
Jose Espinoza
Factors Influencing 4-H Club Enrollment
and Retention in Georgia
Amber Defore, Nicholas Fuhrman, Jason Peake, and Dennis Duncan