Publications | Materials Science & Engineering | Clemson University


Submissions from 2019


Wet Slip Resistance of Plastic Based Material Flooring (PBM Flooring), John P. Sanders and Grant Davidson


Standardized Waterproof Testing of Plastic Based Material Flooring (PBM Flooring), John P. Sanders and Cody Spence

Submissions from 2017


Current understanding and future research directions at the onset of the next century of sintering science and technology, Rajendra K. Bordia, Suk-Joong L. Kang, and Eugene A. Olevsky


Extended LaMer Synthesis of Cobalt Doped Ferrite, Benjamin D. Fellows, Sarah Sandler, Jacob Livingston, Kristin Fuller, Lotanna Nwandu, Sarah Timmis, Kayla A. Lantz, Morgan Stefik, and O. Thompson Mefford


LB3D: A parallel implementation of the Lattice-Boltzmann method for simulation of interacting amphiphilic fluids, S. Schmieschek, L. Shamardin, S. Frijters, T. Krüger, U. D. Schiller, J. Harting, and P. V. Coveney

Submissions from 2015


Fully magnetic printing by generation of magnetic droplets on demand with a coilgun, Vladislav Vekselman, Luke Sande, and Konstantin G. Kornev