Publications | Parks, Recreation & Tourism Management | Clemson University


Submissions from 2020


Can Simulated Nature Support Mental Health? Comparing Short, Single-Doses of 360-Degree Nature Videos in Virtual Reality With the Outdoors, Michael H.E.M. Browning, Katherine J. Mimnaugh, Carena J. van Riper, Heidemarie K. Laurent, and Steven M. LaValle

Submissions from 2019


Illuminating the Process of Youth Development: The Mediating Effect of Thriving on Youth Development Program Outcomes, Mary E. Arnold and Ryan J. Gagnon


Use of Physical Activity Monitoring Devices by Families in Rural Communities: Qualitative Approach, Iryna Sharaievska, Rebecca A. Battista, and Jennifer Zwetsloot

Submissions from 2018


Examining Predictors of Implementation Quality in an Emerging International Extension Context, Ryan J. Gagnon and Jonathan Pettigrew


Recreation in Families with Children with Developmental Disabilities: Caregivers’ Use of Online and Offline Support Groups, Iryna Sharaievska and Brooke Burk


The Privilege of Healthy Eating: A Qualitative Study Exploring the Local Food Choices of Low-Income Families from Appalachia, Iryna Sharaievska, Stephanie West, and Melissa Weddell

Submissions from 2017


Health and Recreation Perceptions of Adults With Developmental Disabilities, Brooke N. Burk and Iryna Sharaievska

Submissions from 2016


Parent Anxiety Causes and Consequences: Perspectives from Camp Program Providers, Barry A. Garst, Ryan Gagnon, and Troy Bennett


Values and Decision-Making: Introducing the Public Servant Values Questionnaire to Recreation Administrators, Garrett A. Stone, Ryan J. Gagnon, Eva Witesman, and Barry A. Garst

Submissions from 2014


The Impact of Camp Employment on the Workforce Development of Emerging Adults, Mat D. Duerden, Peter Witt, Barry A. Garst, Deb Bialeschki, Tori Schwarzlose, and Kara Norton


The Benefits of Camp Employment: More Than Just Fun and Games, Mat Duerden, Barry A. Garst, and Deb Bialeschki


Benchmarking Professional Development Practices Across Youth-Serving Organizations: Implications for Extension, Barry A. Garst, Sarah Baughman, and Nancy Franz

Submissions from 2013


Paying Enough and Training Right! A Snapshot of Salary, Benefits, and Professional Development Practices in Camp, Troy Bennett and Barry A. Garst


Injury and Illness Benchmarking and Prevention for Children and Staff Attending U.S. Camps: Promising Practices and Policy Implications, Barry A. Garst, Linda E. Erceg, and Edward Walton


Building a “Healthy Camp”: Strategies That Worked!, Barry A. Garst, Mary Marugg, and Sandra Thomas


Residential Summer Camp: A New Venue for Nutrition Education and Physical Activity Promotion, Alison K. Ventura and Barry A. Garst

Submissions from 2012


Investing in what's important: Five tips to guide a professional development and training plan, Barry A. Garst


Research: Family Camp Impacts on Family Functioning, Barry A. Garst, Sarah Baughman, Nancy Franz, and Richard Seidel


Using Single-Case Participatory Action Research as a Methodology to Explore Appalachian Summer Camp Communities, Barry A. Garst, Nancy K. Franz, Brian Peters, Chris Smith, and Sarah Baughman


Family and Marital Satisfaction and the Use of Social Network Technologies, Iryna Sharaievska

Submissions from 2011


Engaging Youth in Environmental Sustainability: Impact of the Camp 2 Grow Program, Laurie P. Brown, Barry A. Garst, and Deborah Bialeschki


2011 Explore 30 Camp Reading Program Impact Report, Barry A. Garst, Cass Morgan, and Deb Bialeschki


Examining Youth Camping Outcomes Across Multiple States: the National 4-H Camping Research Consortium (NCRC), Barry A. Garst, Allison Nichols, Jill Martz, Niki Nestor McNeely, Laura Bovitz, Denise Frebertshauser, Suzanne Le Menestrel, and Jill Walahoski

Submissions from 2010


From What to How: Targeting Specific Factors That Influence Outcomes, Barry A. Garst


Camp 2 Grow: Teaching Leadership and Environmental Stewardship to New York City Youth, Barry A. Garst and Christopher Chavez


Healthy Camp Study Update: Ten Promising Practices of a Healthy Camp, Barry A. Garst, Linda Erceg, Susan Baird, and Sandra Thompson

Submissions from 2009


Consistency of Developmental Outcomes of 4-H Camp Experiences Over Time and Across Sites, Sarah Baughman, Barry A. Garst, and Nicholas Fuhrman


Catalyzing Transformation: Conditions in Extension Educational Environments that Promote Change, Nancy Franz, Barry A. Garst, Sarah Baughman, Chris Smith, and Brian Peters


Ten Ways to Reduce Injuries and Illnesses in Camp, Barry A. Garst and Linda Erceg


"Growing Without Limitations:" Transformation Among Young Adult Camp Staff, Barry A. Garst, Nancy K. Franz, Sarah Baughman, Chris Smith, and Brian Peters


2009 Camp2Grow Impact Report, Barry A. Garst and Karla Henderson

Submissions from 2008


How Healthy Is Camp? Exploring Early Results From the Surveillance Study of Injuries and Illness, Linda Erceg, Barry A. Garst, Gwynn Powell, and R Dawn Comstock


Camp Directors’ Beliefs Regarding Nature-Deficit Disorder and Camp, Penny A. James, Karla A. Henderson, and Barry A. Garst


What's the Problem Now? Director's View on Campers, Staff, and Training Priorities, Christopher Thurber and Barry A. Garst

Submissions from 2007


Development of a Comprehensive New 4-H Extension Agents Training Program Using a Multi-Module Approach and the 4-H Professional Research, Knowledge, and Competencies, Barry A. Garst, Joseph R. Hunnings, Kathleen Jamison, Jewel Hairston, and Robert R. Meadows


Is there common ground? An exploratory study of the interests and needs of community-based and faith-based workers, Pam Garza, Stephanie Altman, Eugene C. Roehlkepartain, Barry A. Garst, and Deb Bialeschki

Submissions from 2006


Exploring the Adolescent Life Skill Outcomes of State 4-H Congress Participation and the Different Outcomes of Gender and Race Groups, Barry A. Garst, Joseph R. Hunnings, Kathleen Jamison, Jewel Hairston, Robert R. Meadows, and Wendy R. Herdman

Submissions from 2005


An Exploration of Developed Forest Camping Experiences and Meanings in the Mount Rogers National Recreation Area, Barry A. Garst


Adolescent Leadership Skill Development Through Residential 4-H Camp Counseling, Barry A. Garst and Jeremy Johnson


Beginning with the End: Day Camp Training by Design, Barry A. Garst and Linda Pulliam

Submissions from 2004


Camp: A Perfect Place to Address Bullying, Jewel Hairston and Barry A. Garst

Submissions from 2003


Identifying 4-H Camping Outcomes Using a Standardized Evaluation Process Across Multiple 4-H Educational Centers, Barry A. Garst and F A. Bruce

Submissions from 2002


Undergraduate student internships in natural resources at virginia 4-H educational centers, Jeff Kirwan, Barry Fox, and Barry A. Garst