Rural Health

Implementation of a Cooperative Extension Food Distribution Action Plan During Times of Crisis

Clemson Extension Program Team

Rural Health and Nutrition

Publication Date

Summer 8-27-2021

Publication Number

LGP 1118


Due to the global pandemic, the food industry experienced a new struggle. Restaurant, business, and school closures threatened the U.S. economy and the integrity of the food system. The dichotomy of surplus and unavailability of produce, meat, and dairy created an unprecedented opportunity to give individuals disproportionately impacted COVID-19 access to food. The Food Distribution Action Plan's development focused on the safety of the attendees and volunteers with COVID-19 precautions like social distancing in mind.


Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension

Publisher City

Clemson, SC

Target Audiences

Community Leaders, Food Pantries, Faith-Based Organizations, Non-Profit Organizations

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Co-Author Agreement

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Feature Image
