With a public service career spanning over 70 years, the speeches of Senator Strom Thurmond document the evolution of his thoughts, opinions, and philosophies in all of the public offices he held – State Senator, Circuit Judge, Governor, and U.S. Senator. His words are reflective of the times and of his unflagging support of his constituents. These speeches available online are only a small portion of the Strom Thurmond Collection. Please visit the guide to the Strom Thurmond Collection for additional information.
Submissions from 1955
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Weekly Radio Report, Strom Thurmond
Submissions from 1954
Accepting editorial call for public debates in Senate primary, Strom Thurmond
Announcement of Senate office staff, Strom Thurmond
Appreciation for support during Senate campaign, Strom Thurmond
Comment on Bennett's statement concerning election law, Strom Thurmond
Defense for Senate primary election, Strom Thurmond
Evidence that Edgar Brown supported the States' Rights Party, Strom Thurmond
Excerpt of address on national defense, Strom Thurmond
Final Senate campaign television speech, Strom Thurmond
Let Reserve Officers Continue to Hold High the Torch, Strom Thurmond
Letter declining personal appearance at League of Women Voters meeting, Strom Thurmond
Message to voters upon Senate victory, Strom Thurmond
Mrs. Claude Martin, Strom Thurmond
Need for primary election for Senate seat, Strom Thurmond
Promise to resign after two years in Senate, Strom Thurmond
Reasons for primary election for Senate, Strom Thurmond
Report to the Reserve Officers Association of the United States, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign announcement, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign farm statement, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign finance and alcohol pledge form, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign one minute radio announcement, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign qualifications and platform, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign radio speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign responses to statements by Edgar Brown, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign script for Gren Seibels program, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign speech draft, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign statement for Augusta Chronicle, Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign statement (not issued), Strom Thurmond
Senate campaign television speech, Strom Thurmond
Senate primary campaign weekly summary, Strom Thurmond
Senate primary campaign weekly summary, Strom Thurmond
Senate primary campaign weekly summary, Strom Thurmond
Statement about National Democratic Party, Strom Thurmond
Statement about Senate primary election, Strom Thurmond
Statement before Senate Committee on Armed Services, Strom Thurmond
Statement of Strom Thurmond, The People of SC are Justifiably Angered, Strom Thurmond
Statement on actions taken by Democratic State Executive Committee, Strom Thurmond
Statement to Reserve Forces Policy Board, Strom Thurmond
The Voters' Right to Nominate Their Candidates, Strom Thurmond
This I Believe, Strom Thurmond
Thurmond did not seek State Executive Committee's nomination, Strom Thurmond
Thurmond's first week of campaigning for Senate, Strom Thurmond
Tribute to late Senator Burnet Rhett Maybank, Strom Thurmond
Voting incidents in Barnwell County, Strom Thurmond
Washington office staff appointments, Strom Thurmond
Withdrawing from law partnership and savings and loan presidency, Strom Thurmond
Submissions from 1953
Report to the Annual Meeting of the Aiken Federal Savings and Loan Association, Strom Thurmond
Submissions from 1952
Excerpts on States' rights movement from Edgar Brown, Strom Thurmond
Permanent Preparedness, Strom Thurmond
Statement regarding Senator Russell's Candidacy for President, Strom Thurmond
Thurmond to vote ticket of South Carolina Democrats for Eisenhower, Strom Thurmond
Submissions from 1951
Address for broadcast on "Town & Country" Program, Radio Station WMSC, Strom Thurmond
Announcement of the annual message to the General Assembly, Strom Thurmond
Announcing Plans for a Family Reception at Governor's Mansion, Strom Thurmond
Annual Message to the General Assembly, Strom Thurmond
If America Is to Remain Free, Strom Thurmond
Thurmond for Reserve Officers Association President, Strom Thurmond
Submissions from 1950
4-H Week, Strom Thurmond
Accepting the Liberty Bell Replica, Strom Thurmond
Accomplishments and Record of Strom Thurmond: A Man of Courage, Strom Thurmond
Accuracy of Drew Pearson's Statement that Thurmond may withdraw from Senate Race, Strom Thurmond
Accuracy of Drew Pearson's Statement That Thurmond May Withdraw from Senate Race, Strom Thurmond
Act No. 1401, House No. 2473 returned unsigned, Strom Thurmond
Address at annual American Red Cross meeting, Strom Thurmond
Address at Annual Convention of Ruritan National Clubs, Strom Thurmond
Address at County-Wide Service Club Barbecue Supper of Cheraw Lions Club, Strom Thurmond
Address at Exchange Club District Ladies' Night, Strom Thurmond
Address at Forest Industries Meeting, Strom Thurmond
Address at opening of the Southern Governors' Conference, Strom Thurmond
Address at opening Senate campaign meeting, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate campaign meeting about Johnston's political conduct, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate campaign meeting about national defense and foreign policy, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate Campaign meeting about the CIO Political Action Committee, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate Campaign Meeting. Farm speech, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate campaign meeting. Jackson Day Dinner, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate campaign meeting on state finances, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate campaign meeting. Senate committee assignments, Strom Thurmond
Address at Senate campaign meeting. Senate committee assignments, Strom Thurmond