The aim of the journal Tigra Scientifica. is to make primary scientific literature accessible to general interested audiences.
Current Issue: Volume 2, Issue 1 (2015) Tigra scientifica
Full Issue
On the Cover
Tigra scientifica Staff
Author Biographies
Snakes, From Whence They Came
Richard Melton
Predator or Prey: Proof is in the Pupil
Savannah N. Miller
Hey... Are We Related?
Charles Simmons
Wait, I Thought it was an Asteroid?
Richard Melton
Clever Cephalopods
Maggie Masterson
Stress for the Figure
Hannah Halusker
Man's New Best Friend
Charles Simmons
A Path to Cure Neurological Disorders?
Alex Villano
The Negative Outcomes of a Positive Result
Maggie Masterson
Bottled Benefits
Alex Villano
Tiny Medicine, Big World
Maggie Masterson
Becoming a Solar Sensation
Hannah Halusker
Blown Away by a New Technology
Annie Carew
0 to 100…Not so Quick
Hannah Halusker
Three-Day Weekends Commence
Alex Villano
The Value of a Dollar
Savannah N. Miller
The Economy, Immigration…GMOs?
Charles Simmons
Pregnancy Plights
Savannah N. Miller
Too Cute to Die
Annie Carew
Feminine Suburbia
Richard Melton
Frozen in Debate
Annie Carew