Agronomic Crops
Japanese Beetle as a Pest of Field Corn
Clemson Extension Program Team
Agronomic Crops
Publication Date
Winter 2-14-2022
Publication Number
LGP 1134
Japanese beetle is a sporadic pest of field corn that can be damaging under the right conditions. This article outlines identification of the pest, the damage it causes in field corn and management strategies that can be used as part of an integrated pest management plan.
Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension
Publisher City
Clemson, SC
Target Audiences
Producers, educators, extension
Recommended Citation
Bryant T, Reay-Jones FPF. Japanese Beetle as a Pest of Field Corn. Clemson (SC): Clemson Cooperative Extension, Land-Grant Press by Clemson Extension; 2022 Feb. LGP 1134.
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