Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Legacy Department

Educational Leadership

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Jane Clark Lindle

Committee Member

Dr. Tony W. Cawthon

Committee Member

Dr. Hans W. Klar

Committee Member

Dr. Robert C. Knoeppel


Recent literature cites a growing population of students who wait several years post-baccalaureate and into their careers before entering a PhD program. Such population includes doctoral students in education. Despite repeated calls from scholars of higher education, few empirical studies investigate mid-career students’ experiences in doctoral programs. Existing literature consists of anecdotal reports, demographic accounts in which mid-career is a data point among many variables, or empirical studies of international students. Theoretical models describing student experiences of mid-career professionals in doctoral programs are particularly absent. A handful of studies have explored doctoral student experiences of mid-career professionals through traditional interviewing techniques.

Included in

Education Commons



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