"An Examination of Principal Professional Learning through Transformati" by Anna Thompson Brink

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Education and Organizational Leadership Development

Committee Member

Hans W Klar, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Fredrick C Buskey

Committee Member

Jacquelynn Malloy

Committee Member

Reginald Wilkerson


An era of higher academic accountability and standards-based achievement increased interest and concern in educational leadership (Hallinger, 2005; Public Law 114-95). Based on decades of continuous educational policy shifts, accountability demands have created a call for principals to be instructional leaders (Hallinger, 2005). Through revised principal professional learning, the district in this study actively worked to create an environment where principals worked in learning communities to increase their instructional leadership capacity and move along a continuum of professional learning to respond to the heightened policy shifts around them. Sociocultural learning and transformative learning theories both supported the propositions in this study. The study provided a glimpse of principal professional learning in one district through analytic generalization (Yin, 2018). This study was important because it provided evidence of practices in an underrepresented area of study in rural school districts and offered practical conclusions for practices and further study.



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