"Essays on the Economics of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations" by Aspen Underwood

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)



Committee Chair/Advisor

Babur De los Santos

Committee Member

Matthew Lewis

Committee Member

F. Andrew Hanssen

Committee Member

Jorge Garcia


Electric vehicles (EVs) have peaked people’s interest since the first electric-powered vehicle was developed in the 1830’s. By the 1890’s EVs were the most common vehicle in the U.S. However, due to issues with charging batteries and limitations of the electrical grid, EVs were left behind as gasoline vehicles became commonly available in the early 20th century. Several attempts to repopularize EVs over the last 100 years suffered from difficulties with limited driving ranges, but today, expanded driving ranges and improved charging capabilities have made EVs a real alternative to gasoline engines. The possibility of zero-emission transportation made possible by EVs has fueled both public and private investment in EV charging infrastructure through a variety of subsidies. However, a better understanding of how charging stations are utilized and of the effects of charging station subsidies on drivers and station development is essential. This dissertation studies how charging station subsidies, station location, and prices affect driver charging behavior and new station construction.



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