"Likeliness to Recommend: A Mixed Methods Analysis of Consumer Percepti" by Todd Usher

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Construction Science and Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Jason Lucas

Committee Member

Shima Clarke

Committee Member

Dhaval Gajjar

Committee Member

Elizabeth D. Baldwin


Measures of consumers’ likeliness to recommend a business or company have been shown to relate to business performance. Less is known about how such scores might operate in the homebuilding industry. This study examines the factors influencing consumers’ perceptions of homebuilders, an area with little published research. Using a sequential mixed-methods approach, the study analyzes survey data from consumers (N = 366) who had new homes built within the preceding 12 months. Quantitative analyses of the data reveal several aspects of consumers’ likeliness to recommend a homebuilder. One finding of great interest is that consumers of the survey were more likely to recommend a homebuilder if the home was certified to a high-performance building standard. Consumers also rated the quality of the home higher when it was certified to a high-performance building standard. Qualitative analysis of consumers’ open-ended explanations of their rating of likeliness to recommend their homebuilder revealed key themes of importance to consumers. These themes include the experience with the building process, quality, schedule, warranty, communication, and price. This study offers new perspectives on the factors related to consumers’ perception of homebuilders. Findings from this study provide new insight and information for improving consumers’ experience with the homebuilding process which may have direct implications to a homebuilder’s bottom line.

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