Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education Systems Improvement Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Daniella Hall Sutherland

Committee Member

Noelle A. Paufler

Committee Member

Barbara Nesbitt

Committee Member

Sherry Hoyle


This dissertation served as a case study that examined the impact of a districtwide system of support drawn from existing literature and organizational structure and management. The identified framework, the Limelight County College and Career Readiness Intervention (LCRI) Framework, utilized the Plan, Do, Study, Act (PDSA) cycle of improvement science. Three reoccurring themes or focus areas were identified as significant: curriculum instructional framework redesign, comprehensive guidance, and professional development.

While the study's findings are constrained by the density of the data gathered within a limited time frame, the findings provide many opportunities for longitudinal studies and confirm the integrity of the intervention framework. The findings also indicate that the framework must be implemented with fidelity to sustain these gains. Since the research on structured supports from a district perspective is limited, it would be beneficial for educational institutions and practitioners to continue to seek understanding on providing pathways that will ensure student success and cultivate communities of change. Doing so will ensure that students continue growing and communities continue to thrive. Thriving children will continue to fish for the rest of their lives.



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