"The Use of the South Carolina School Improvement Model - Quick Cycles " by Jennifer Gnann

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education Systems Improvement Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Hans W. Klar

Committee Member

Dr. Sherry Hoyle

Committee Member

Dr. Barbara J. Nesbitt

Committee Member

Dr. Noelle A. Paufler


Using data to make informed decisions about instruction strengthens a teacher’s delivery of content within the classroom. However, many teachers have not been taught how to properly use a model of rapid improvement cycles to analyze data and apply it to their classroom instruction. I modified the South Carolina School Improvement Model so that it could be used in short cycles to see how teachers used it to plan for, monitor, and adjust instruction in their classrooms.

I conducted a single case study over a six-week period in which I instructed two sixth-grade science teachers on how to use the South Carolina School Improvement Model for Quick Cycles (SCSIM-QC). I began with interviews to assess the teachers’ baseline understanding of using a model of rapid improvement cycles. I also completed the Quick Cycle of Improvement Rubric to assess their use of the SCSIM-QC on a scale. They then participated in a professional learning community to explore and analyze their students’ data and use that data to make informed decisions on the instructional methods in their classrooms. At the end of the six-week period, I completed post-interviews and a final rubric. As a result of learning to use the SCSIM-QC the teachers studied data more closely, planned their lessons based on the data, and instructed more intentionally.

These findings show that with instruction, teachers’ planning, and instructional methods can be more molded to the needs of their students. These findings have implications for expanded use in more schools and districts. The model can be used for more than just units of study; it can be used to study whole curricular programs within schools as well. With expanded training, school and district leaders could bring this model to individual schools and expand the use of the model across the state.



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