Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Automotive Engineering

Committee Chair/Advisor

Srikanth Pilla

Committee Member

Gang Li

Committee Member

Rahul Rai

Committee Member

Morteza Sabet


Selective laser sintering is an additive manufacturing process that opens many design possibilities but is limited in its reliability and reproducibility. Numerical simulations validated by experimental data yield insights into the process and resulting part properties, allowing users to make more informed decisions. In this dissertation, a model for the process and microstructure is developed and validated, followed by a coupling to mechanical models to predict part performance. Further developments include a new addition of a reaction kinetics model to the process model to describe the interplay between thermal degradation and melt pool properties, and an exploration of the parameter space with respect to different laser beam profiles.

Author ORCID Identifier




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