Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education and Organizational Leadership Development

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Brandi Hinnant-Crawford

Committee Member

Dr. Edwin Bonney, III

Committee Member

Dr. Noelle Paufler

Committee Member

Dr. Kelly Pew


Following a massive wave of school closures during the COVID-19 pandemic, educators found the need to be hyper-critical of how they spend their instructional time with students. Almost all students are expected to return nearly a full grade-level behind and would likely have to learn to navigate a completely new school environment. As a result, many educators were overwhelmed to cover unprecedented amounts of instructional content in less time. High-intensity tutoring programs have been known to have the potential to help struggling students advance their skills and gain up to three additional months of learning within a few sessions. The belief in Darlington County School District is to provide more time using the same effective instructional practices.

Darlington County provided tutoring services and additional instruction after school in a program that is called The Academic Enhancement Program (AEP). Instruction was continued from the regular school day with the use of a common (districtwide) curriculum that is standards-aligned and supported with district-approved and provided materials.

Time has been identified as a key factor in losing instructional grounds or gaining it. Because of this important fact, instructional structures are provided systemically with the intention of saving teachers time from having to create lessons and find resources, along with providing students equitable learning opportunities. We observed through the data that all students in the district (grades 3 - 8) had some growth.

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