Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Mathematical Sciences

Committee Chair/Advisor

Matthew Saltzman

Committee Member

Mary E. Kurz

Committee Member

William Bridges

Committee Member

Neil Calkin


Political redistricting has remained a hot-button issue in the United States for several decades. Every ten years, most states need to redraw their districts to account for changing populations. Sometimes, these district plans can be drawn with the malevolent intention of aiding one political party over another. This dissertation summarizes four distinct methods of drawing these districts using computer algorithms while keeping several objectives in mind. We test these approaches on the case study state of South Carolina, since it provides a sufficiently challenging problem for us to test various algorithms. We find that many of these approaches improve upon the current South Carolina district map, and many of the algorithms improve upon or remain competitive with other redistricting procedures available in the literature.

Author ORCID Identifier



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