Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership - Higher Education

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Michelle Boettcher

Committee Member

Dr. Rachel Wagner

Committee Member

Dr. Tony Cawthon

Committee Member

Dr. Kendra Stewart-Tillman


This qualitative research study will illustrate the link(s) between Multiracial students and their perceptions of campus climate at historically White institutions and how that impacts their sense of belonging. Existing bodies of literature and research have focused more extensively on monoracial students of color than Multiracial students. As a result, there is a formidable gap in the literature about how Multiracial students navigate their racial identity at historically White institutions and how multiracial students perceive campus climate based on their experienced sense of belonging. The use of Kellogg and Liddell (2012) will serve as a guide for this research study. This piece will allow there to be a better understanding of the way in which campus location, faculty, staff, and students affect the likelihood of Multiracial students’ institutional experiences with discrimination and prejudice that lead to their sense of belonging or lack thereof.

Through the work done by Kellogg and Liddell (2012), I will conduct semi-structured interviews to better understand traditionally aged Multiracial college students and their experiences within the context of higher education. Specifically, looking at the varying experiences students have due to their racial identity and/or their perceived race identity in higher education. Furthermore, the use of photovoice will be used to provide participants with an additional way of telling their story beyond the confines of oral storytelling. Photovoice will be utilized to depict the way in which students connect campus climate with their sense of belonging by telling their story through pictures. It will also allow students an opportunity to tell their stories and reflect on the images they have taken to create a thick and rich description of their accounts.

Available for download on Sunday, August 31, 2025
