Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Teaching and Learning

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Anna Hall

Committee Member

Dr. Sandra Linder

Committee Member

Dr. Jill Shelnut

Committee Member

Dr. C.C. Bates


The purpose of this multi-modal phenomenological study was to examine the lived experiences of parents preparing their first child for kindergarten and to evaluate the sources of information used to inform these experiences. Eight parents of rising kindergarteners were sampled for interviewing from preschool and homeschool settings in North Carolina. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore participant experiences and participants identified sources of information to be gathered for content analysis. The interview transcripts were analyzed using van Manen’s approach to identify units of meaning. Four major themes emerged from this study: emotions about kindergarten readiness, an emphasis on social and emotional skills, learning at home, and the impact of the current context. The sources of information utilized by parents fell into categories that closely aligned with the systems of influence identified by Bronfenbrenner in his Bioecological Systems Theory. The content was collected from various social media platforms and physical sources. Most of the content was related to fine motor activities and artistic expression. The content aligned with the North Carolina state readiness standards but several skills were not covered. The findings provide insight into how parents prepare their children for kindergarten and how current contextual factors like school choice and Internet access are impacting the school readiness process. Further research is necessary to increase transferability and determine the impact certain sources of information have on parent experiences with kindergarten readiness.

Author ORCID Identifier




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