Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Education (EdD)


Education and Organizational Leadership Development

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Edwin Nii Bonney

Committee Member

Dr. Brandi Hinnant-Crawford

Committee Member

Dr. Jacquelyn Williams

Committee Member

Dr. Lee Westberry


To measure students' Social-Emotional-Learning (SEL), Lowcountry School District (LSD) administers Panorama Education surveys to students, teachers, and staff twice a year. The mission of the surveys is to support educators in radically improving student outcomes with data. Students are given two surveys: 1) Student SEL Competency & Well-Being and 2) Student Supports & Environment. The first survey focuses on supportive relationships and self-management, while the second focuses on teacher-student relationships, sense of belonging, and school climate. Looking specifically at the Student Supports & Environment survey, two areas of concern are school climate and sense of belonging. School climate measures the perceptions of the overall social learning climate of the school, and sense of belonging measures how much students feel they are valued members of the school community. In 2022 River High School (RHS) scored in the 10th% for school climate and sense of belonging when compared to all schools in Panorama’s national dataset.
My research aimed to increase student supports and environment in areas of school climate and sense of belonging by 20% by Spring 2024, as measured by the Panorama surveys as prior data show students do not feel they belong at RHS. My research used qualitative data through student's voice in Student Advisory Committee (SAC) meetings and quantitative data through pre and post-surveys and Spring 2024 Panorama data. Based on these findings student voice increased school climate by 13% and sense of belonging by 15%.

Included in

Education Commons



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