Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Educational Leadership

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Robin Phelps-Ward, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Dr. Michelle Boettcher

Committee Member

Dr. Kristin Frady

Committee Member

Dr. Marissa Shuffler-Porter


Logistic regression analysis was utilized to determine the relationship between research productivity and the research climate, as measured by 155 clinical faculty survey responses, in an Academic Health System in the Southeastern U.S. Subscales addressing the institutional characteristics of goals, culture, mentoring, network, resources, time, communication, rewards, opportunities, and governance were used as independent variables. The dichotomous dependent variable was whether clinical faculty were productive in research as measured by IRB protocols.

Results indicated that a positive view of the research climate for networking and resources significantly improves the odds for clinical faculty showing increased research productivity. The study demonstrated an expanded application of organizational climate to higher education research. It also served as an organizational learning mechanism by which the Health System can work towards effective operations. Additionally, this study served to address the current issue facing higher education by which a call for increased research activity has been issued in the face of limited resources. By providing feedback to Health System leadership, the study results direct attention towards the areas of networking and resources as being most impactful on research productivity.



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