Date of Award
Document Type
Degree Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
Learning Sciences
Committee Chair/Advisor
Danielle Herro
Committee Member
Jacquelynn Malloy
Committee Member
Matthew Voigt
Committee Member
Christy Brown
This study uses an explanatory sequential mixed method design to understand more about the learning experiences of academic library instructors from 2- and 4-year institutions during a professional development session centered on using Universal Design for Learning. Transformative Learning Theory served as the lens to examine data, and the concept of a disorienting dilemma that serves as a trigger for deep learning in adults. The experiences of the participants are explained using data from a pre- and post-survey as well as semi-structured interviews with participants to learn more about factors that may predict whether or not participants experience a disorienting dilemma during the workshop and whether or not they plan to make changes to their teaching practice based on what they encounter in the workshop Results show that all factors examined should be considered when planning training for academic library instructors and that PD does impact teaching practice. However, this study also highlights the importance of opening PD around instruction for both faculty and staff in the academic library as both groups have significant needs when it comes to understanding how to convey information to students. This study also indicates a need for helping ALIs understand more about the diversity of the student population when it comes to learning needs. Finally, this study indicates participants who were most likely to experience a high number of DDs in the workshop were experienced instructors, were older, were moderately impacted by the workshop, and had a small amount of previous training in teaching.
Recommended Citation
Grant, Anne, "An Exploration of the Role of the Disorienting Dilemma in Professional Learning for Academic Library Instructors" (2024). All Dissertations. 3815.
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