"Working 5 to 9, What a Way to Make a Livin'! An Investigation into the" by Christie Kelley

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Legacy Department

Industrial and Organizational Psychology

Committee Chair/Advisor

Britt, Thomas W.

Committee Member

Moore , DeWayne

Committee Member

Sinclair , Robert R.

Committee Member

Taylor , Mary Anne


The current study investigated burnout and engagement as mediators of the relationship between shift work and both turnover and turnover intentions. Further, perceived organizational support (POS) and work schedule justice (WSJ) were hypothesized to moderate the relationship between shift and two outcomes: engagement and burnout. The Job Demands-Resource model was used as a theoretical framework for the current study (Schaufeli & Bakker, 2004). The current study utilized a longitudinal sample of nurses to test the hypotheses with structural equation modeling. Further, differences were assessed between all employees and only full-time employees. Contrary to hypotheses, shift was not related to burnout or engagement. Moreover, POS and WSJ moderated the relationships between shift and burnout in the opposite direction as hypothesized. For the day shift, employees with high POS and WSJ also reported higher burnout than employees with low POS and WSJ. In line with the hypotheses, POS and WSJ moderated the relationship between shift and engagement, such that for the day shift, when POS and WSJ were high, engagement was also high. The moderators, however, did not impact employees on the night shift. The results suggest that POS and WSJ do not overcome the issues of night shift workers. Future research should consider the relationships examined in the current study and investigate other issues which may alter these relationships.

Included in

Psychology Commons



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