Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Anderson, Denise M


Leisure skills classes are offered to students at Clemson University with the intent of helping students to develop new skills in various leisure-time activities. If a leisure skills class is successful, a student's sense of efficacy in that skill should be greater at the conclusion of the semester. This study attempted to determine whether leisure skills classes at Clemson University can become more effective in increasing self-efficacy through the addition of group initiatives as a part of the course curriculum. This study utilized a quasi-experimental design to examine whether there is a significant difference in general self-efficacy and leisure skills self-efficacy between the control and treatment groups as well as among the various class types. The results failed to show a significant difference in general self-efficacy and leisure skill self-efficacy between the treatment and control groups as well as among the class types.



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