Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Biosystems Engineering

Committee Chair/Advisor

Jayakaran, Anand D

Committee Member

Hitchcock , Daniel R

Committee Member

Park , Dara M


The South Carolina Pee Dee Project (SCPDP) aims to develop a method for the determination of Minimum Allowable Flows (MAFs) in streams in the Pee Dee region. This study is a portion of the larger SCPDP, focusing primarily upon analyses of geomorphic and hydrologic processes, as well as landscape and habitat analyses. Specific objectives include: 1) To distinguish the effect of various land cover classes and scales of analyses on components of stream flow function; 2) To determine trends in hydraulic geometry (regional curves) for the SCPDP region; and 3) To determine what measures of stream flow function, stream geomorphology, and land cover most influence characteristic bed material. Results show that measures of land cover were found to influence components of stream function. Influential land cover classes included wetland and forest, as well those with higher curve numbers, especially those linked to agricultural and developed land cover classes. Influences of land cover on components of stream flow function were found to be spatially limited. While stream flow behavior (Richards-Baker Flashiness and Hammer Number) tended to be most influenced by larger scales, physical components of the stream (bed material and temperature variation) tended to be most influenced by smaller reach scales. Hydraulic geometry was highly influenced by catchment area. Regional curves were derived in a form similar to those found in literature. However, these curves where found to differ considerably between study regions. Characteristic bed material appears to be influenced by Richards-Baker Flashiness (RBI) and Hammer Number (H), but also seemed to be affected by impoundments and downstream fining, although this was not statistically confirmed. Measures of stream flow function were also found to be correlated to each other. These correlations were between RBI and H, the Qualitative Habitat Evaluation Index (QHEI) and bed load flux, and RBI and temperature variation. Such findings will be useful in identifying a method to determine of a Minimum Allowable Flow (MAF) for the Pee Dee region, as well the determination of physical stream state.

Included in

Geomorphology Commons



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