"The Anglo-American Press and the 'Secret' Rearmament of Hitler's Germa" by Jason Ranke

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Legacy Department


Committee Chair/Advisor

McKale, Donald M.

Committee Member

Grubb , C A

Committee Member

Grant , H R


This thesis will examine the Anglo-American press coverage of Germany's secret rearmament between 1933 and 1935, with the aim of pursuing three main objectives:
1. Describe the rearmament process occurring in Germany and how it related to, or influenced, the country's position in international affairs.
2. Investigate the accuracy and objectivity of Anglo-American press coverage of the German rearmament. This goal will be achieved by analyzing and comparing information from several major American and British newspapers and magazines from 1933 to 1935 with data gleaned from the principal secondary sources on Nazi rearmament and foreign policy.
3. Determine how Hitler was perceived in the Anglo-American world, whether as a peace-loving statesman, which he emphasized that he was repeatedly in public in his first years in power, or as a potential threat to Europe and world peace. An analysis of the major British and American media will provide at least an indication of whether it and its newsmen in Germany deemed Hitler a threat. The press played a significant role, on this news issue as on most others, in shaping public opinion in both the United States and Britain.



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