"Contested Grounds" by Carly Drew

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Arts

Committee Chair/Advisor

McDonald, Todd

Committee Member

Cross , Sydney

Committee Member

Thum , Kathleen


My drawings reference the American landscape tradition and Regionalism to comment on contemporary rural experience and highlight our interactions with nature. I do this through utilizing personal and family history to develop imagery that documents the economic changes taking place. I discuss why the American landscape tradition is important for a cultural understanding of my work, how industrial language impacts our understanding of these spaces and finally how my work visually encapsulates the contrast between objective forms of mapping and the subjectivity of personal experience. These contexts help discuss some of the larger issues of land ownership and use by looking at ways the landscape is constructed in layers of perception. These layers shape our awareness of the importance these rural locations have in contemporary visual culture.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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