Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)

Legacy Department

Visual Arts

Committee Chair/Advisor

McDonald, Todd A

Committee Member

Lauritis , Beth

Committee Member

Thum , Kathleen


Our memories are malleable. There is no identifiable truth; we consistently change them based on our present state of being. Nevertheless, our memories influence us greatly. My paintings engage this topic of the remembering process and display the active, reconstructive nature of how we remember. This idea is approached through making paintings that engage my own involuntary memories that are inevitably impossible to grasp. The resulting paintings explore issues pertaining to the remembering process, partiality, and the inaccuracies of representation. In this thesis, I discuss the importance of the reconstructed, provisional image, the fluctuating nature of our memories, an interaction with the everyday and the senses, and the disappointments in recollection. This is accomplished through paralleling the act of remembering to the painting process. These contexts explore how we make sense of our lived experience through remembered moments, over and through time.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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