"Three Industrial Emission Environmental Kuznets Curve Estimates of Chi" by Tianmin Zhao

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)

Legacy Department


Committee Member

Dr. Jaqueline de Oliveira, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Dr. Matthew S. Lewis

Committee Member

Dr. Daniel Wood


In this paper, I investigate the general formatted formula of the Environ-mental Kuznets Curve and develop a hypothesis at the same time. I useChina Prefecture City level panel data on Industrial Sulfur Dioxide, Dark Par-ticles, and Waste Water emissions to estimate several Environmental KuznetsCurves. I use the parametric method and semi-parametric method at the sametime. The Smoke and waste water emission’s results of two methods do notmatch each other. In contrast, sulfur dioxide, are economically significant andcoincident between two approaches.



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