"Mapping Natural Gestural Inputs to Traditional Touchscreen Interface D" by Katherina Jurewicz

Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Industrial Engineering

Committee Member

David Neyens, PhD, MPH, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Kenneth Catchpole, PhD

Committee Member

Joel Greenstein, PhD

Committee Member

Scott Mason, PhD


Gestures are a natural means of every day human-human communication, andwith the introduction of gestural input technology, there is an opportunity to investigatethe application of gestures as a means of communicating with computers and otherdevices. The primary benefit of gestural input technology is that it facilitates a touchlessinteraction, so the ideal market demand for this technology is an environment wheretouch needs to be minimized. The perfect example of an environment that discouragestouch are sterile environments, such as operating rooms. Healthcare-associated infectionsare a great burden to the healthcare system, and gestural input technology can decreasethe number of surfaces, computers, and other devices that a healthcare provider comes incontact with. Gestural input technology has been investigated extensively in the operatingroom for surgeons manipulating radiological images but an application for anesthesiaproviders has not been investigated. The objective of this research was to map 3Dgestural inputs to traditional touchscreen interface designs within the context ofanesthesiology, and an experimental study was conducted to elicit intuitive gestures fromusers and assess the cognitive complexity of ten typical functions of anesthesia providers.Intuitive gestures were observed in six out of the ten functions without any cognitivecomplexity concerns. Two functions, of the remaining four, demonstrated a higher levelgesture mapping with no cognitive complexity concerns. Overall, gestural inputtechnology demonstrated promise for the ten typical functions of anesthesia providers inthe operating room, and future research will continue investigating the application ofgestural input technology for anesthesiology in the operating room.



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