Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Planning, Development, and Preservation

Committee Member

Dr. Brooke Danielle Wortham-Galvin, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Dr. Barry Stiefel

Committee Member

Amalia Leifeste

Committee Member

Pamela Kendrick


A growing threat to historic and cultural resources across the nation is sea level rise, which continues to leave communities and cities in a panic as how to prepare for the influx of water. In Charleston, South Carolina, flooding is something residents are all too familiar with and the changing times bring an urgency to protect coveted treasures of this proudly preserved city. This thesis examined the impact of increased flooding from sea level rise on residential structures within Charleston’s historic region. To best understand how the city is adapting to sea level rise this study comparatively examined current flood mitigation options, specifically the use of building elevation, dry proofing, wet proofing, and floatation. This study then explored which methods could best benefit Charleston’s historic residences.



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