Date of Award


Document Type



School of Computing

Committee Member

Dr. Jerry Tessendorf, Committee Chair

Committee Member

Dr. Eric Patterson

Committee Member

Dr. Victor Zordan


Ocean effects are important aspects of the filmmaking. They help to establish emotions and dynamism via the behaviors of the oceans, and provides the different atmosphere for storytelling by creating various ocean scenarios. Gilligan is a prototype environmental scene simulator, whose core technique of the ocean simulation has been widely used in feature film productions. This thesis develops ocean simulation tools working with Maya and Houdini with the techniques provided by Gilligan. The Gilligan-Maya workflow executes ocean simulation methods in Gilligan to simulate oceans. The Gilligan-Houdini workflow integrates Gilligan into Houdini, containing a Houdini wrapper of Gilligan, along with a series of Houdini digital assets to support the usage. Artists can use these tools to generate ocean effects, with controls to simplify the production workflow, and well-exposed to all the simulation data for advanced development. This thesis demonstrates several applications with different ocean effects scenarios: ocean environment creation, ocean with floating objects, and ocean character effects.



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