Date of Award

December 2019

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)



Committee Member

Christina Hung

Committee Member

Andrea Feeser

Committee Member

Beth Anne Lauritus


A New American Dream traverses’ the hierarchical systems of power within the United States of America (USA). Survival and ‘success’ in the USA almost always requires assimilation into white culture, valuing patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacy (PCWS). Articulated through fine art prints, video and commercially produced postcards, my Master of Fine Arts Thesis artwork serves as multimedia instigation, compassing the viewer to reflect upon injustices of today and to reimagine a society of equality for tomorrow. Holding a queer liberatory politick with an artistic platform, my puissance lies within disrupting our ability to lucidly categorize and separate issues. The artwork challenges the acceptance of patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacy by reacquainting the viewer with pervasive cultural objects and ideals which all work to uphold an insidious operation of oppressive ideology. The artwork does not ask for equality within the dominating state of the United States of America because bona fide equality would reflect a non-hierarchical society, thus a society free of patriarchy, capitalism and white supremacy. My MFA Thesis artwork intends to help viewers reflect and locate themselves within the larger network of power called the United States of America. Utilizing a queer liberatory politick, the artwork asks us to reflect upon the past and reconsider the present in order to reshape the future.



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