Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Applied Sociology

Committee Chair/Advisor

Witte, James

Committee Member

Wentworth , William

Committee Member

Norman , William


Utilizing National Geographic's Survey2000 data set, this thesis investigates the intersection of social class and food consumption habits of Americans. Previous research identified the cultural omnivore as a new type of consumer who samples a wide variety of culture to show his membership in a higher social class (Peterson & Kern, 1996). This study focuses on one form of omnivorousness, culinary omnivorousness, to determine whether omnivorous food consumption patterns vary by social class. Three social classes are operationalized (highbrow omnivores, highbrow snobs, and lowbrows), and each class's consumption of three food types (universal foods, in-region foods, outside-region foods) is measured. Ultimately, this research finds a relationship between social class and culinary omnivorousness.

Included in

Sociology Commons



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