Date of Award

May 2020

Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Mathematical Sciences

Committee Member

Akshay Gupte

Committee Member

Matthew Saltzman

Committee Member

Cole Smith


Many of the infrastructure sectors that are considered to be crucial by the Department of Homeland Security include networked systems (physical and temporal) that function to move some commodity like electricity, people, or even communication from one location of importance to another. The costs associated with these flows make up the price of the network's normal functionality. These networks have limited capacities, which cause the marginal cost of a unit of flow across an edge to increase as congestion builds. In order to limit the expense of a network's normal demand we aim to increase the resilience of the system and specifically the resilience of the arc capacities.

Divisions of critical infrastructure have faced difficulties in recent years as inadequate resources have been available for needed upgrades and repairs. Without being able to determine future factors that cause damage both minor and extreme to the networks, officials must decide how to best allocate the limited funds now so that these essential systems can withstand the heavy weight of society's reliance.

We model these resource allocation decisions using a two-stage stochastic program (SP) for the purpose of network protection. Starting with a general form for a basic two-stage SP, we enforce assumptions that specify characteristics key to this type of decision model. The second stage objective---which represents the price of the network's routine functionality---is nonlinear, as it reflects the increasing marginal cost per unit of additional flow across an arc. After the model has been designed properly to reflect the network protection problem, we are left with a nonconvex, nonlinear, nonseparable risk-neutral program.

This research focuses on key reformulation techniques that transform the problematic model into one that is convex, separable, and much more solvable. Our approach focuses on using perspective functions to convexify the feasibility set of the second stage and second order conic constraints to represent nonlinear constraints in a form that better allows the use of computational solvers. Once these methods have been applied to the risk-neutral model we introduce a risk measure into the first stage that allows us to control the balance between an efficient, solvable model and the need to hedge against extreme events. Using Benders cuts that exploit linear separability, we give a decomposition and solution algorithm for the general network model. The innovations included in this formulation are then implemented on a transportation network with given flow demand.



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