Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)

Legacy Department

Parks, Recreation, and Tourism Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Arthur-Banning, Skye

Committee Member

Anderson , Denise

Committee Member

Stevens , Bonnie


The purpose of the present study was to determine if the use of adaptive learning strategies increases the perception of competence of students in a leisure skills tennis class. The complex motor skills of tennis negatively influence a beginning player's demonstration of competence and motivation. Player's self efficacy, goal orientation, and environment are linked to perceived competence, participation, effort, and enjoyment. Lowering functional task difficulty, use of modeling, and use of feedback should increase perceived competence of students. Trying to improve oneself (Task goal orientation) and being in a climate that encourages this (mastery motivational climate) are positively linked to increasing perceived competence.
To test the students' goal orientation, skill, and perceived competence, the TEOSQ, a skills test, and the subscales interest/enjoyment, perceived competence, and effort/importance of the IMI were used for the pre test of this study. The post test was conducted using the LAPOPECQ, a skills test, and the three subscales of the IMI. This study did not find significant differences in perceived competence between the treatment group and control group (F = .113, p < .738). The initial skill level of the player also did not significantly influence perceived competence (F = 1.501, p < .233). Both instructors constructed a task oriented environment which could possibly explain the rejection of the research hypotheses.
Both groups experienced bivariate correlations between task-oriented environment, effort, and enjoyment. The treatment group also had bivariate correlations between perceived competence and skill level which were not found for the control group. An explanation for this result could be the adaptive learning strategies used during the program.
Future research could find out what parts of the program could be best used for a college leisure skills tennis class. The traditional teaching method in combination with certain parts of the program could be beneficial for future participants. It could make the leisure skills tennis class more useful for students with different skill levels and create a more positive experience for all participants.



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