Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)


Communication, Technology, and Society

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Virginia Harrison

Committee Member

Dr. Andrew Pyle

Committee Member

Dr. Gregory Cranmer


Rooted in the call for increased electric and zero-emission vehicles, this study aims to analyze the impact of repeated industry-wide Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) messages on public perception. This research will test the impact of oversaturation on CSR message outcomes according to Hon and Grunig's (1999) organizational-public relationships (OPRs) scale. Additionally, this research will incorporate corporate identity (CI) framework derived from business literature to test CI's influence on CSR messages and OPR outcomes. Participant's overall trust, satisfaction, and commitment towards a company mission statement and various advertisements under differing experimental conditions will determine the effect of both oversaturation and CI on OPR outcomes.



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