Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Fine Arts (MFA)


Computer Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Rodney Costa

Committee Member

Eric Patterson

Committee Member

Anthony Penna


Computer Graphic (CGI) technology enables artists to explore a broad spectrum of

approaches and styles, from photorealistic to abstract, expanding the boundaries of traditional aesthetic choices.

Recent years have witnessed of 3D-CGI production shift towards greater physical fidelity driven by technological developments as well as consumer demand for realistic visuals; this trend can be found across various creative fields like film, video games, and virtual reality experiences with high-quality textures, lighting, rendering, and physics simulations providing enhanced levels of immersion for users.

Arnold is one of the famous rendering engines assisting artists to be more creative while producing photorealistic images. Moreover, Arnold renders the engine as one of the main path-tracing renderers and contributes significantly to more fantastic photorealistic productions. Also, Arnold renders not only Support CPU render but also support GPU rendering to take full advantage of faster computation times and real-time interactivity, among many other advantages. Because of that, this study investigates how new technology like developed GPUs helps artists and filmmakers better comprehend 3D rendering solutions that impact their workflows.

On the other hand, philosophically exploring the relationship between making a creative decision and technology within 3D photorealistic rendering reveals an intricate yet dynamic relationship that informs the creative processes of both independent artists and small studios alike. This interaction serves as a reminder that Art is driven forward by its creator's creative energy rather than simply technological capabilities; artists and studios can continue pushing limits by embracing this complex dialogue between creativity and tech, opening new paths within digital Art's fast-evolving realm.

Included in

Fine Arts Commons



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