Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Food, Nutrition, and Culinary Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Elliot Jesch

Committee Member

Dr. Greg Batt

Committee Member

Dr. William Bridges


Objectives: The main question in this study was “Do nutrients present within the MyPlate and Paleo dietary patterns affect exercise parameters in a positive way?” An auxiliary question was “Do nutrients present within these two diets reduce comorbidities of chronic diseases?”

Methods: This study analyzed secondary data collected from a previous diet and exercise study. Dietary records were analyzed for correlations between nutrient intake and exercise performance in both diet groups. Further stratification by VO2 peak performance was done to analyze nutrient intake differences between high and low-performing individuals.

Results: The MyPlate eating pattern increased body fat percentage, blood pressure, and resting heart rate, while the Paleo eating pattern decreased these variables. The Paleo group consumed fewer carbohydrates, fats, and protein, and more B vitamins, amino acids, omega-3 fats, and other water- and fat-soluble vitamins. Calcium, zinc, iron, and thiamine were positively correlated with an increase in diastolic blood pressure. Peak minute ventilation and relative VO2 peak at baseline were statistically significant in the Paleo group, while the MyPlate group had a lowered peak respiratory exchange ratio.

Conclusion: Decreasing total fat mass and increasing total lean mass through a dietary pattern that focuses on the intake of vegetables, fruits, lean meats, eggs, wild game, seafood, and nuts and seeds with a limited intake of refined foods and added sugars is beneficial for exercise performance and overall health outcomes for sedentary weight stable females aged 19-28 not currently following a structured diet in Clemson, South Carolina.



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