Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Plant and Environmental Science

Committee Chair/Advisor

Brian Ward

Committee Member

Sandra Branham

Committee Member

Richard Boyles

Committee Member

William Bridges


Bean production in the United States has decreased while the temperatures have been steadily increasing, reaching new highs each year. Heat stress is detrimental to common bean (also known as snap bean) production. Symptoms of heat stress include decrease in pollen viability, shriveling of pods, and pod abortion making them unmarketable. Pod production of 323 snap bean accessions from a large diversity panel was assessed in a randomized complete block design with field trials at two different times in the spring season. The results show a significant decrease in the number of pods produced per plant and weight of pods harvested in the heat-stressed planting date. Further, a genome-wide association study (GWAS) was conducted to identify markers associated with heat tolerance. We report accessions that were most productive under heat stress as well as the underlying quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with snap bean heat tolerance in this genome wide association study. Overall, there were 15 significant SNPs found across the number of pods and weight of pods yielded in the heat stressed environment. Of those significant SNPs in heat conditions, four encoded heat shock proteins.



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