Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Graphic Communications

Committee Chair/Advisor

Amanda Bridges

Committee Member

Nona Woolbright

Committee Member

Andrew Hurley

Committee Member

Michelle Fox


The present study evaluates the impact of Clemson Graphic Communication's Outreach and Recruitment program on high school students' perceptions of the major and their college and post-college opportunities. Through surveys and events sponsored by Outreach, the research aims to determine the overall influence of the GC program. Participating students, accompanied by their instructor and guardians, will visit Godfrey Hall, Clemson University's Graphic Communications building. Before the trip, students must complete a comprehensive survey gauging their understanding of the Graphic Communications program and its industry. During the visit, students will engage in rotational activities to experience the daily practices of Graphic Communications students. A panel discussion will allow students to pose questions to current Graphic Communications students about the program and broader college life. After the trip, students will participate in a post-event survey to assess how the experience enriched their knowledge of the program and the graphics industry. The findings from this study suggest that the Outreach event played a valuable role in enhancing participants' understanding of Graphic Communications, broadening their awareness of its applications and career opportunities, and stimulating interest in pursuing a career in the field. These insights can inform future outreach efforts and curriculum development strategies to engage students better and promote awareness of Graphic Communications as a viable career path.



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