Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (MPRTM)


Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Jeffrey C. Hallo

Committee Member

Kennan Adams

Committee Member

Robert Powell


Over the past fifty years, Protected Area (PA) management has gradually transitioned from the traditional top-down approach toward a more collaborative and participatory management model, which integrates the needs and perspectives of local communities. This quantitative study used a questionnaire to assess the perceived constraints of visitation, the attitudes toward tourism development, and the level of involvement in decision-making among community members residing near a community interface area on a PA’s boundaries. Structural constraints were the most prominent barrier to visiting (i.e., the poor state of the road and facilities). Residents indicated strong support towards tourism development and nearly half of the respondents want to be partially involved in decision-making. The results of this study highlight the importance of understanding the community’s perception, attitudes, and desired level of involvement in decision-making regarding PA management that achieves long-term sustainable goals.



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