Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts (MA)



Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr. Brandon Boatwright

Committee Member

Dr. Erin Ash

Committee Member

Dr. Andrew Pyle


The 2023 presidential elections in Nigeria represented a significant milestone in the nation's democratic progression, capturing the interest of observers both within the country and abroad. This study identifies the key online opinion leaders who participated in the electoral discourse, their generational affiliation, and the role of social media in facilitating youth engagement throughout the political process. Using Sprinkl, an online monitoring tool to harvest publicly available tweets containing the hashtag #NigeriaDecides2023 from February 11 to March 15, coupled with interviews, the study identified the prominent opinion leaders with significant influence, their types of messages and the motives behind youth engagement on SM during and after the elections. The results from this study yielded valuable insight into the role of opinion leaders, especially within the context of online political campaigns/communication in the strategic communications field. However, despite the high level of Twitter activity during elections, the presence of isolated conversations fails to develop meaningful connections with the younger population.

Included in

Social Media Commons



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