Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Civil Engineering

Committee Chair/Advisor

Laura Redmond

Committee Member

Thomas Cousins

Committee Member

Brandon Ross


Lightweight (LW) aggregates have many potential benefits in masonry construction including minimizing mass, improving thermal performance, and reducing the potential for shrinkage cracking via internal curing. The current masonry design standard, TMS 402/602-22, permits lightweight aggregate in the production of concrete masonry units (CMU), but there has been insufficient testing of masonry assemblies to permit designing with LW grout. Shrestha et al. characterized LW grouts bond to reinforcement, shear strength, tension and shear pullout behavior of anchors and proposed possible reduction factors for design. Hiner characterized the flexural bond strength LW grouted masonry assemblies and proposed possible reduction factors for design. In currently unpublished work Kessler worked to proposed reduction factors for the shear and cohesion behavior of masonry assemblies. This work confirms the studies of Kessler and expands on the testing conducted by Hiner. Along with that this work uses the proposed reduction factors of previous work and displays a cost analysis of NW versus LW design under seismic loading.



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