Date of Award


Document Type


Degree Name

Master of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management (MPRTM)


Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management

Committee Chair/Advisor

Dr Aby Sene-Harper

Committee Member

Dr Elizabeth Baldwin

Committee Member

Dr Harrison P. Pinckney IV


Hunting is a significant cultural, economic, and wildlife management activity in the United States. However, African Americans remain underrepresented among hunters, with limited research to understand their perspectives and experiences. Hence, this study employed an exploratory focus group method design to profile African American hunters' real and perceived experiences, traditions, and needs. The interviews were conducted with 67 African American hunters from all regions across the country. The interview data were analyzed through thematic coding to construct key themes. Key findings from this study revealed that hunting is a strong tradition within African American communities that has been passed down through generations. Private land is preferred for hunting over public land, yet access to private land among African American hunters remains limited. Additionally, hunting serves multiple purposes other than recreation. For many of the participants, joining hunting clubs helped them buy or lease land that could be used for their hunting activities. Recommendations include federal and state-level fish and wildlife agencies working closely with organizations and non-profits serving African American hunters to run hunting programs. In addition, there is the need to increase land access for African American hunters, establish mentorship programs, and develop outreach initiatives for youth. Integrating hunting and wildlife education into school curricula, funding clubs and outdoor programs for minorities, and implementing programs to combat stereotypes are also crucial steps.



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